A Northern woman's view on life in the Spanish Campo.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Toads in the Home

"I can hear something moving", I said with alarm, as I reached over to wake hubby, as there was no way I could look, not knowing what it might be. I had been in bed for a couple of hours, not wanting to watch the football, as Germany was playing, and I knew for sure they would win. I had left the front door open a while, as, it was warm, and I wanted some fresh air, but I was not about, to admit this to hubby.

Grumpily, he reached for the light, and peered across the bed to my side, "nothing there", he said, switching the light off and returning to bed, a few more minutes went by, and I heard it again. "Honey there is something there", pulling the sheets tight around my head, in case whatever it was decided to jump on me, and eat me alive. I was not terribly good with wildlife. I do not mind them outside, or in a park, but I draw a line to them invading my bedroom.

"Oh for goodness sake", he said as, I refused to turn on the light, as it was at my side of the bed, and was convinced that my hand would be slowly nibbled off by the unknown monster.He grabbed the torch, which we left for emergencies at the side of his bed,namely the many power cuts we have here in Spain, and he shone it towards the scuttling noice. By this time my imagination was running wild, was it a snake a rat,what !!. Hubby laughed, it's a toad, have a look, I slowly opened my eyes to see a big creamy coloured toad,at the side of my bed.

Maybe if I had kissed it, it could have turned into a handsome prince, but Knowing my luck it would probably be the artist formally known as... so I decided to give it a miss.

The toad was carefully picked up and put outside, and I finally got some sleep.

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