A Northern woman's view on life in the Spanish Campo.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Car Booting.

Like many other people in Spain we are feeling the pinch. The ever decreasing exchange rate has had a tremendous impact on our finances,together with  the rise in petrol, food, utility bills etc,so we decided to do a car boot sale.

It will be fun I said,  hubby was not convinced. Still I  thought it would be good to get rid of some unwanted items, liberating I thought.When you start to look around your house, it is quite amazing,just how many things, you no longer use, or no longer wear. There was the  leather jacket, that my hubby's ex wife had given me, that was definitely going. The spare microwave, collecting dust in the garage. The clothes that no longer fit me;or for that matter hubby's clothes that he can no longer squeeze into. The endless books that were taking over the house, although I do love my books so much, still I thought , I could always buy them again, probably at a car boot sale.

We were pretty organised, hubby had made a table, we had a cloth, change,alarm set and sandwiches made. How exciting I thought.

We were awake at 6.45 and on our way to Albox , shortly after. Albox is an area of Almeria, not too far from where we live, popular with many British people, and very popular with lots of car boot fanatics. We arrived  at about 7.15, and it was already busy. As soon as we parked up, we were surrounded by other stall holders, 'what you got in there then', shining their torches in the car, 'any jewellery said one hardy car booter,' is this the first time you have done this', one asked trying her hardest to shine her torch into the back of the car. 'Have you got some good things’? By this time my patience was wearing thin. 'We think so’, I replied curtly.

By the time we  finally managed to sort the stall out,  a few other stall holders who were obviously regulars arrived. I was shocked at the behaviour of some of them, especially with the Moroccan people; one stall holder actually had a stick, especially to rap the knuckles of any of the Moroccan’s dared to get inside their car. 'Watch 'em Mary, one of 'em talks to you, whilst the other one robs you', I heard one chap say to his wife, 'watch the bloody money, you know what they're like', racist English people, never!

We were quite surprised just how tyring it was, my legs were aching, still we enjoyed it, made 125, 00 Euros, and more to the point, managed to get rid of some unwanted clutter, so all in all it was a good day, and definitely a good experience...

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