A Northern woman's view on life in the Spanish Campo.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

I predict a diet.

Some of you may recall in my previous blog entitled 'the moonshine diet’, which since moving to Spain my weight has crept up & up. I am very much in denial and still believe myself to be a size 10, a skinny thing who many people still consider to be on the verge of anorexia. Sadly, the mirror and weighing scales tell me different.

Time for a massive reality check, so diet & exercise it has to be. Trouble is I don't really know where to start, so much is written about the Mediterranean diet, but to be perfectly honest, most of the Spanish women I have seen are rather on the plump side. It's rather baffling really as the Spanish girls are skinny up to been about 28 then you don't seem to see them until the resurface  at aged 50 plump breasted and fat bottomed. I have often found it odd when the shops and market stalls sell clothes that are clearly designed with olive oil in mind, when really it should have been Hattie Jacques! Well obviously someone must buy them sadly I am not one of them, more’s the pity.

So I have decided to keep it fresh, as much fresh & natural food as I can find, plenty of fruit & vegetables, and the Spanish people's favourite food 'fish' We will see if that works.

I have also bought myself an Xbox 360 with kinnect, which is amazing, well it was once I managed to turn it on and get it working, which I managed together with the invaluable assistance of my 4 year old granddaughter, without whose inbuilt child’s technical ability which all adults loose past the age of 24, I think the thing would have been on the compost heap.

It is amazing though, I bought the Zumba dancing DVD, which brought back memories of Peter Gordeno, and his amazing Latin dance moves, not easy to master but a craze that is soaring the country. I also bought the 'your shape' DVD which is facsinating, the kinnect sensor scans your body and you begin the exercises from there. I did the simple workout for beginners, and as me & exercise seem to be from opposite planets, I had to sit down after 15 minutes, still I am determined this time to stick with it, I will keep you informed, of when I can rush to the market to buy myself those much wanted 'skinny clothes'.