A Northern woman's view on life in the Spanish Campo.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Viva La Fiesta

One of Spain many traditions is the Ferria-or Fiesta. In every community no matter how small, the locals celebrate with a Fiesta. Sometimes this will be a saint’s day, or let's sacrifice a pig day or catch a sardine day-whatever-the excuse is the Spanish love to party. Usually the local community sell raffle tickets, with the proceeds helping to fund the cost of a band and amusements for the children. Then out comes the bunting, with flags adorning the streets, local business shut for at least a couple of days, the wine and sangria flows, the children dance with each other way past their bed times-it is a traditional part of the Spanish culture.

The music is very loud and the food is fantastic with migas and paella, and the traditional Spanish dress is worn, and the dancing is in the flamenco style. Outsiders are welcome and the Spanish insist that you join in the fun.

There are many traditional more famous Fiestas all over Spain including- the Falles fiesta and Tomatina festival in Valencia, the San Fermín festival in Pamplona, Carnival celebrations in Cadiz and Tenerife and Holy Week festivities throughout the country.

Viva la Fiesta.

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